1. 연구 형태

다기관 전향적 연구, 환자들이 등록 이전에 최소 6개월의 follow-up이 있어야함. 


2. cohort group

U-BIOPRED에서 정이한 severe asthma는 airtflow reversibility와 airway hyperresponsiveness 혹은 감소하는 것 FEV1 of 12% predicted, tapering maintenance treatment후 4주이내의 200ml감소. 4가지 그룹으로 모음


(1) Group A:12개월간 non-smoker with 5 pack-year smoking history, with asthma and uncontrolled sympoms odfineo occording to gina and frequemt exacerbations oespite high-dose inhaled corticosteroios. 


(2) Group B: Group A랑 동일하나 현재 스모커나 ex-smoker


(3) Group C: non-smoker with mile/moderate asthmatics. controlled or partially controlled sympotms, whilst receiving a dose of <500 microgram fluticasone propionate/day or equivalent


(4) Group D: healthy non-smoking asthmatics. No history of asthma or wheeze, no chronic respiratory disease, nonsmoker for at least the past 12 months and their pre-bronchodilator FEV1 was >= 80% pred.


3. Protocal and assessment

대략 천식환자가 받아야할 테스트들에 대한 설명이 있음


4. statistical analysis

data는 평균이나 중앙값으로 요약되고 nonsymmetrical variable은 positive skew이거나 log-transformed되었다. 

Missing value were not imputed. p=value는 general linear model이나 혹은 logidstic model로 계산되었다. 


5. Result


6. spirometry

SAn/SA is lower than other groups in FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC


7. medication

SAn/SAs/ex is higher rate of medication than other groups.


8. atopy and comorbidity

There was a higher incidence atopy in the four groups.


9. Blood and sputum in biomarkers

blood eosinophil counts

blood neutrophil counts


10. Exhaled nitric oxide



11. Discussion





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시계열데이터 의료논문 요약 PPT  (0) 2022.10.13

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