The shower in my apartment just stopped working. : 아파트에 목욕물이 끊겼어요. 

Can you come see? : 와서 보실래요?

Can you please tell her that the water cut off in my shower? : 목욕물이 끊겼다고 말좀 해주실 수 있나요?

She wants to know what you did. : 당신이 뭘 했냐고 묻네요.

You know the water is unreliable in this building. : 원래 이건물 물이 자주 끊겨요. 

What did she just say? : 그녀가 뭐라고 했나요?

She will call the plumber. : 배관공을 부르겠대요. 

cut off: 차단 

unreliable : 신뢰할 수 없는

plumber : 배관공


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