I can't believe that I got demoted becasue of accessory.: 악세서리로 좌천되다니 믿을수가 없어요.

He refused to take a shower afterwards he wanted a reminder on him.: 내 향기를 남기고 싶다고 끝나고 샤워를 안 하더라고요. 

Is that weird?: 이상한가요?

I went down a drunk rabbit hole of googling jazz club in Paris.: 술마시고 밤새 재즈클럽을 찾았어요. 

I figured I was going to try singing thing again, I might as well do it here, where no one knows me.: 노래를 다시 시작한다면, 나를 모르는곳에서 하는게 낫다고 생각했어요.

I saw that there is an open audition at Crazy Hole.: 크레이지 홀에서 공개 오디션을 하는걸 봤어요. 

You need to get over it and sing.: 다 잊고 노래해봐요. 

Honestly, sometimes I don't think I'll ever sing again.: 가끔은 영영 노래를 못할거라는 생각이 들어요. 

What about for me?: 날 위해 하는건 어때요?

Not right now.: 지금은 싫어요.

Why not right now? No one pay attention.: 왜 지금은 안되요? 아무도 관심 없는데요.

Just pick any song that you want. I don't gonna judge you.: 평가 안할게요. 아무 노래나 불러봐요.

What do you want me to sing?: 무슨 노래 부르길 원해요? 

I don't know. Whatever you want.: 몰라요. 원하는거요.  


Dont' go down the rabbit hole.: 어렵게 하려고 하지마. 

get over: 넘어가다. 이겨내다. 


'영어 > 에밀리 파리에 가다 시즌 1, 1~10' 카테고리의 다른 글

22-05-19  (0) 2022.05.19
22-05-18  (0) 2022.05.18
22-05-12  (0) 2022.05.12
22-05-11  (0) 2022.05.11
22-05-09  (0) 2022.05.09

Are you sure you don't wanna use my shower?: 정말 안 씻고 가도 되요? 

I don't want to wash you off yet.: 아직 당신을 씻어내기 싫어요. 

Please tell me we will see each other again tonight.: 오늘 저녁에 다시 본다고 말해주세요. 

Who is he?: 누구세요? 

A professor I met last night. I've never done anything like that.: 어제 만난 교수에요. 이런 적 처음이에요. 

For all I know, he could have been murderer.: 그가 살인마였을지도 모르잖아. 


For all I kwow: ~일지도 모른다. 잘 모르지만 내 짐작에는~

'영어 > 에밀리 파리에 가다 시즌 1, 1~10' 카테고리의 다른 글

22-05-18  (0) 2022.05.18
22-05-15  (0) 2022.05.15
22-05-11  (0) 2022.05.11
22-05-09  (0) 2022.05.09
22-05-07  (0) 2022.05.07

Do you think he's son or her lover? : 그는 아들일까요 사랑하는 사람일까요? 

I was just watching to see if the salad is really worth 20 euros.: 그냥 저 샐러드가 20유로인지 정말 궁금해서 봤어요.

She is forceful. Bit controlling. Like a mother.: 그녀는 좀 세네요. 강압적이고 엄마처럼요. 

Now she is feeding him. Like a lover.: 이번엔 애인처럼 먹여주는데요. 

Loser buys the next bottle of wine?: 지는사람이 다음 와인 사기할까요? 

You're so sure. You're right?: 확신이 있네요.

So, how are we gonna know who wins this little wager?: 내기에서 누가 이긴지는 어떻게 알죠? 

I guess we have to sit here until they reveal themselves.: 저들이 뭔지 알때까지 앉아있죠. 

Who's that third guy?: 저 남잔 뭐죠? 

We will never gonna know who won the bet.: 누가 이겼는지 모르겠네요. 

I don't care about the bet. I just wanted to keep talking to you.: 누가 이겼는지는 안중요하교요. 계속 얘기하고 싶어요.

We could talk someplce else?: 다른데서 더 얘기할래요? 

'영어 > 에밀리 파리에 가다 시즌 1, 1~10' 카테고리의 다른 글

22-05-15  (0) 2022.05.15
22-05-12  (0) 2022.05.12
22-05-09  (0) 2022.05.09
22-05-07  (0) 2022.05.07
22-05-03  (0) 2022.05.03


Let’s start with an example: Suppose you're given a dataset that contains the size (in terms of area) of different houses and their market price. Your goal is to come up with an algorithm that will take the size of the house as its input and return its market price as the output.


In this example, the input variable i.e the size of the house, is called the independent variable (X), the output variable i.e house price is called the dependent variable (Y), and this algorithm is an example of supervised learning. 

In supervised learning, algorithms are trained using "labeled" data (in this example, the dependent variable - house price, is considered a label for each house), and trained on that basis, the algorithm can predict an output for instances where this label (house price) is not known. "Labeled data" in this context simply means that the data is already tagged with the correct output. So in the above example, we already know the correct market price for each house, and that data is used to teach the algorithm so that it can correctly predict the house price for any future house for which the price may not be known.

The reason this paradigm of machine learning is known as supervised learning, is because it is similar to the process of supervision that a teacher would conduct on the test results of a student on an examination, for example. The answers the student gives (predictions) are evaluated against the correct answers (the labels) that the teacher knows for those questions, and the difference (error) is what the student would need to minimize to score perfectly on the exam. This is exactly how machine learning algorithms of this category learn, and that is why the class of techniques is known as supervised learning.

There are mainly 2 types of supervised learning algorithms:

  1. Regression, where your output variable is a continuous variable, for example, the price of a house.
  2. Classification, where your output variable is categorical, for example, approve the loan or not i.e. yes or no categories.

In this lecture, we will be learning about regression algorithms, which obviously find great use in the machine learning prediction of several numerical variables we would be interested in estimating, such as price, income, age, etc.


Linear Regression

Linear Regression is useful for finding the linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables of a dataset. In the previous example, the independent variable was the size of the house and the dependent variable its market price.

This relationship is given by the linear equation: 



 is the constant term in the equation, 

 is the coefficient of the variable 

is the difference between the actual value 

 and the predicted value (



 are called the parameters of the linear equation, while 


 are the independent and dependent variables respectively.


What is an error?

With given 


 in the training data, the aim is to estimate 


 in such a way that the given equation fits the training data the best. The difference between the actual value and the predicted value is called the error or residual. Mathematically, it can be given as follows:


In order to estimate the best fit line, we need to estimate the values of 


  which requires minimizing the mean squared error. To calculate the mean squared error, we add the square of each error term and divide the sum with the total number of records: 


The equation of that best fit line can be given as follows: 



 is the predicted value, 

 are the estimated parameters.

This equation is called the linear regression model. The above explanation is demonstrated in the below picture:




Before applying the model over unseen data, it is important to check its performance to make it reliable. There are a few metrics to measure the performance of a regression model.

  1. R-squared: R-squared is a useful performance metric to understand how well the regression model has fitted over the training data. For example, an R-squared of 80% reveals that 80% of the training data fit the regression model. A higher R-squared value generally indicates a better fit for the model.

  2. Adjusted R-squared: The adjusted R-squared is a modified version of R-squared that takes into account the number of independent variables present in the model. When a new variable is added, adjusted R-squared increases if that variable adds value to the model, and decreases if it does not. Hence, adjusted R-squared is a better choice of metric than R-squared to evaluate the quality of a regression model with multiple independent variables, because adjusted R-squared only remains high when all those independent variables are required to predict the value of the dependent variable well; it decreases if there are any independent variables which don't have a significant effect on the predicted variable.

  3. RMSE: RMSE stands for Root Mean Squared Error. It is calculated as the square root of the mean of the squared differences between actual outputs and predictions. The lower the RMSE the better the performance of the model. 
    Mathematically it can be given as follows:     


Continuous and Categorical variables

A continuous variable can take an infinite number of distinct numerical values, possibly in a given range of numbers. For example, the Monthly Income of employees in a certain firm is a continuous variable. 

A categorical variable, on the other handcan take only a limited (finite) number of distinct values. For example, in an image dataset of single handwritten digits, the digit in the image would be a categorical variable because it can only take a finite number of distinct values, in this case from 0 to 9, and nothing beyond that.


Dependent and Independent Variables

In data science, given a set of variables, we need to establish the relationship between one variable and others. The variable to be estimated is dependent on the rest of the variables and hence called the dependent variable, while the remaining variables that affect the dependent variable are called independent variables.

For example, if we have 4 features Age, Education Level, Work Experience, and Salary, and need to find the relation between the Salary and the rest of the features, the Salary would be the dependent variable while Age, Education Level, and the Work Experience would be independent variables


Variance and Standard Deviation

In statistics, it is important to understand the magnitude of the spread of the observed data from the Mean

Variance and Standard Deviation are two quantities that address this concept. To calculate the variance, we take the difference between each number in the dataset and the mean of the data, square this difference to make it positive (independent of sign), and finally divide the sum of the squares by the total number of values in the dataset.

Mathematically, the variance of the population can be given as follows: 



 is a data point, 

 is the population mean, and 

 is the total number of data points. 

One of the major drawbacks of using variance, to understand the spread of the data, is its interpretability. The unit of variance is the square of the original unit of the data. To overcome this, another quantity is introduced, which is the square root of the variance. This is called the standard deviation of the population

Mathematically, the standard deviation of the population can be given as follows: 


Being the square root of the variance, the standard deviation is more interpretable, having the same units as the original data points. The standard deviation is able to give a sense for the measure of the spread of the dataset around its mean.

Confidence Interval

Inferential statistics is associated with estimating the population parameters by extracting samples from the same population. In general, when we make an estimate about some quantity of the population (for example, mean), we come up with a single number. This single number is called a point estimate. For example, if we take a sample from a population and the sample mean is 35, then it is expected that the population mean is also 35. The drawback of point estimates is that we do not know how sure we are that the population mean is 35. 

To increase the certainty of our estimate, we associate it with another concept known as the confidence interval.

A confidence interval is a range of values from the point estimate, where we assume that the population parameter will lie in this range with a certain percentage of confidence. 

Let’s consider an example: Suppose we are extracting 100 samples from a group of students in a university, where each sample has a certain number of records. We have calculated the mean age of students from each sample. Now, if we say that the confidence interval is [18, 24] with a 95% probability, then it means that the mean age of 95 out of 100 samples will lie in the range of 18-24.

The higher the confidence, the more the width of the confidence interval.

A does not chase trends. He is an artist.: 그는 유행을 쫓지 않아요. 예술가니까요. 

It's the honor of my career to be here.: 제 경력중 가장 영광스러운 순간이에요. 

Beyond honor. I mean I've always admired your work and being here. It's just fabulous. : 영광을 넘어서 선생님이하는 일을 항상 존경했어요. 그저 놀라울 따름이에요. 


fabulous: 멋진


'영어 > 에밀리 파리에 가다 시즌 1, 1~10' 카테고리의 다른 글

22-05-12  (0) 2022.05.12
22-05-11  (0) 2022.05.11
22-05-07  (0) 2022.05.07
22-05-03  (0) 2022.05.03
22-05-02  (0) 2022.05.02

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